Welcome to the Friends of the Milton Public Library: We are excited that you have joined us in supporting the Milton Public Library. The FOMPL was founded in 1988 by Neva J. Baker, Jack Clark, Olga Congeleton, Charles Fleetwood, and Nancy Rhue. The FOMPL has grown from selling books displayed on a table to operating a fully fledged book and gift store featuring Milton merchandise. The FOMPL is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization separate from the Milton Public Library.
The Friends of the Milton Public Library volunteers support and advocate for the Library through various activities that include:
Funds are generated from sales at the Friends Book and Gift shop, membership dues, in-kind gifts and grants.
As the community of Milton is expanding the FOMPL is growing in membership and operational hours of the Book and Gift Store. We thank you for your support as we keep Milton reading.
To become a Friend, simply fill out the and return it to the Milton Library along with your membership fee, or mail the form and your fee to the address below:
Friends of the Milton Public Library
Membership Chair
c/o Milton Public Library
121 Union Street
Milton, Delaware 19968
Friends Membership Application Form (pdf) English
Friends Membership Application Form (pdf) Spanish
contact, recognize friends members for volunteer contributions and personal milestones, maintain
email lists, volunteer roster and membership information and coordinate volunteer staffing of the Gift
and display merchandise. They put up and take down seasonal displays and maintain sales information.
They set the criteria for bookstore donations and manage bookstore shelves. They plan and execute special
sales events and work with local vendors and nonprofits to disburse donations. Additionally they train new bookstore volunteers.
develop materials for public events, maintain the FOMPL library webpage and collaborate with other
committees to identify opportunities for members to volunteer at community events. They work with
the Membership committee to issue requests for volunteers.
collaborate with community nonprofits, the Milton Chamber of Commerce and businesses to develop
and implement fundraising opportunities. Additionally they research, write and submit grant
requests/applications for funding of FOMPL programs ensuring they do not compete with the Library’s
own grant seeking efforts.
activities/events that take place throughout the year. An ad hoc committee was formed to plan and
organize the October FriendFest 2024. Another ad hoc committee is currently assisting the library
director in planning activities and events in conjunction with next year’s 150th anniversary of the
founding of the library. Additional ad hoc committees will be formed as necessary.
Donations are received in the Friends of the Milton Public Library Book and Gift Shop during operation hours.
The Friends of the Milton Public Library are selling bricks as a fundraiser. Each brick is approximately 4” x 8” and can accommodate one (1) to three (3) lines of type with up to fourteen (14) characters per line (character count includes spaces and punctuations). For each gift of $100 you may choose to recognize a family member or honor a friend, etc.
Order your brick now, and donate a piece of heritage!